You must be thinking why craft enthusiasts are making so much ruckus about this washi masking tape, is there any reason particular behind it or just a heat wave which is certain to subside in due course. Masking tape is today highly preferred by people not because it is one of the fantastic gluing options, but also it comes in wonderful pictorial graphics so wherever they are used, beauty enhances, reaching a new height. Now before starting off, let’s know the secret behind its origin. There was a time when a Japanese masking tape manufacturer solicited by a group of artists and entertainer to bring into life brilliant looking masking tape for their personal utilization. The manufacturing house did likewise.

However, at that time, the manufacturing house was only able to produce
20 colors with little variation, but with the progress of time today you
will be surprised to see the whole gamut of varieties, the moment you
look through Japan Lovely Crafts, you will be surprised to see the
collection. The tapes are paramount for artists, designers and crafters
not only in Japan as they come in patterns, sizes and colors.
Japanese Washi Masking Tape is special as it is made of rice paper and they are not diametrically opposite from what is found in hardware store. Now in Japan, these tapes are known as masking tape and so the most renowned brand is simply called MT and unlike those monotone tapes, they come in colorful animating designs. These tapes are perfect for your artwork also wonderful for gift-wrapping, journals and scrapbooks. Now these tapes are highly effortless to use and unlike paper tapes they do not leave behind paper residue and for this reason from kid to elderly, all are using them on varying grounds for having a flawless finish, which is otherwise impossible with any other tape.
Now as for price, these tapes are in no way expensive and Japan Lovely Crafts will be offering you tapes highly inexpensive in terms of price. Here the price starts from $3.50 USD and accelerates high up to $23.50 USD, you will find wide-ranging variety and since they are highly translucent so easily, they can be used on date calendar. Dates can be marked easily and important detail right below the date can be noted down as well. While talking about the beautiful graphics visible on
Japanese Washi Masking Tape, you will find animation like little pony, birds, flowers and many more on them. They are durable and can resist regular wear and tear.
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